17 Jul

I'm proud to announce that AutoMOTO Detail has reached a two year milestone today. After the mandatory four day French business registration course back in 2018, and having been relieved of several hundred euros to gain a Siret number, we formally launched as a commercial venture, and two years later are enjoying growing success.

 Offering a mobile valeting and detailing service has been both challenging and rewarding in equal measure. I've driven a few thousand kms, worked hard, transformed several less than ideal interiors, and enhanced the paintwork of every combination of vehicle, from sports, prestige, and daily driver cars, to camper vans, motorhome conversions, and SUV's. 

 I've met some lovely people along the way, and enjoyed handing back their vehicles in a much improved condition than they started in. The combination of honest hard work, knowledge, and constant drive to achieve the absolute best possible results, has been recognised with repeat customers, and a lot of goodwill and recommendations, for which I am grateful.

 I'd like to thank all my previous customers, and look forward to meeting and working on the vehicles of potential new ones. I can guarantee you'll see big improvements, and all with the added convenience of never having to move outside your house while the work is done.

 If you've not done so already, please do check out our website, www.automotodetail.fr, or Facebook business page www.Facebook.com/automotodetail24,
 tel 0755 61 77 80. Siret 841 233 124 00013 

 Thanks and best regards


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